andrea marinelli

Multidisciplinary by nature (B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, M.Sc. in Design&Engineering), he achieved a Ph.D. in Materials Engineering in May 2024. He succesfully defended his thesis on coated cellulosic packaging for food packaging applciations.
Currently, he is a research fellow at the Department of Chemistry, Materials, and Chemical Engineering "Giulio Natta" (Politecnico di Milano). His work is on the development and characterisation of polymeric-matrix composites, valorising natural fibres from agri-food waste. Moreover, he researches functional materials and 3D printing technologies. Si occupa inoltre di materiali funzionali e stampa 3D.
tel. 02 2399 7816
Ed. B3 – Campus Bovisa
Cellulosic packaging
Polyumeric matrix composites
Functional materials