Maria Elena Bertoni

Studio e sviluppo di interventi migliorativi su un elettrodomestico professionale da cucina. Il caso studio del Planetary Mixer BE5 di Electrolux Professional
The thesis proposes and develops some design improvements of the Electrolux Professional’s product “BE5 Planetary Mixer”. Ensuring the same planetary’s performance, aesthetic continuity and the same range of production costs, the elaborate has the aim to improve the usability of the product and to explore the benefits of the material change in a specific component.
The product’s interaction was tested with unskilled and expert users, through observations and interviews. The new redesign proposals allowed to improve the user interaction and accessibility during both the installation of the mixing tools and during each stage and every stage of use.
Some structural simulation tools (FEA) and experimental analysis (vibration measurement) were integrated to assess the impact produced by the material both of the component and on the overall appliance.