fibre-based packaging with barrier properties
Aiming to replace some packaging structures that are currently made of other materials, including plastic, it is necessary to increase cellulosic substrates barrier propertie, provided that the resulting material does not neglect process requirements, essential for effective use on an industrial scale .
In a context continuously requiring improved performance from paper and board packaging, research is moving in ever new and different directions, but the goal remains the same: to favor recyclability, consolidate and improve the 85% recycling rate set as a goal by the European Union for 2030.
In a nascent and still little explored market context, the project focuses on three main aspects:
1) explore the different packaging solutions currently present on the Italian market;
2) identify the main future guidelines along which research and innovation are moving;
3) highlight the potential impacts and the different recycling rates that can be obtained when packaging with barrier treatments reaches its end of life.

financed by
Politecnico di Milano, Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering "Giulio Natta"
09-2021 / 12-2022