redesign of the communication and packaging of perceval s suturless valve by sorin group
The aim of the project is to improve and simplify the management of the correct sequence of valve preparation operations, specifically to:
- obtain a simpler and more intuitive sequence of operations for the staff in the operating room;
- improve the packaging infographic;
- improve interaction with the PERCEVAL S valve system / product.
The activity was divided into two phases, one of research and the other of design. In the first, all the necessary and useful information was found to understand the assembly sequence and its criticalities in the form of swot-analysis; in the second, product proposals were designed (packaging and small improvements on the elements) aimed at minimizing the risk of error in the operating room while respecting the company’s objectives and requests.

financed by
SORIN Group - INSTM research contract
Politecnico di Milano: collaboration between Making Materials and Ideactivity